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Why vCISO is Apt for Midsize IT Companies

A Virtual CISO (vCISO) is a valuable partner for midsize IT companies, who are looking for the help to secure their IT assets and cyber security. This article intends to explore the top five advantages of using a vCISO.

  1. A vCISO can help an organization design and provide a cyber-secure system, assess the risk exposure, prioritize the areas of the business that need more protection, and finalize security solutions that fit the organization.
  2. According to the Nominet CISO Survey, The average tenure of a CISO is just 26 Months. Considering the risks associated with such a high turnover, it may make more sense to outsource vCISO service with experience instead. Outsourced vCISOs are becoming increasingly popular because they can save time and provide long-term, continuous service. They’re also very skilled at what they do.
  3. SMB shall leverage on the experienced leader in the field of cyber security who has specialities in drawing the blue-print and develop the intended cyber security posture for the organisation
  4. Overwhelming Privacy and Security Compliance for various standards and framework has pushed most of the organisation to comply in order to serve the international and national customers. Without the support of a cyber security vCISO expertise, it may be quite an impossible task in ensuring the compliance requirements and relevant standard adoption for any organisation. It is imperative that small and mid-size organisation opts for vCISO service which shall help in reducing the cost of maintaining Cyber Security Controls and win more business opportunities
  5. Apart from a Cyber Security Strategic Advisory Role, the vCISO shall help organizations to avail the vCISO service providers’ operations services, whether it is required for a short or long duration.

If you decide to hire a vCISO services for your business, make sure that you thoroughly vet the organization and take the time to understand their company’s motivations and goals. Keep an eye out for a security expert who will take the time to understand your business and its vulnerabilities. If a VCISO is truly in your best interests, this should be easy to spot. 

Also Read about Top 10 ways to secure your organization from cyber threats. You will learn why it’s essential to safeguard your sensitive data from hackers and how to implement it.

IARM’s virtual CISO services enable you to access knowledge and experience on an as-needed basis, resulting in the most cost-effective cyber security services. Rather than being forced to grow your in-house security teams, you can instead outsource cybersecurity providers. Our teams provide expert guidance and support on security investments and business needs, allowing you to focus more closely on day-to-day operations.

You can stop worrying about cyber-attacks while you sleep. Let us manage your end-to-end cyber security services and solutions

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