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Cybersecurity audit software are intimidating! They are time-consuming, expensive, and a miss could be risky in India. They can make or break your business’ success, reputation, and survival.
With many continuously changing and moving parts, audits become painstakingly labor-intensive, error-prone and frustrating to coordinate and successfully complete. Companies can’t attract and keep customers if they can’t prove their information systems are secure and have the required privacy controls in place.
So, how do you get the best compliance management, excellent audit management, with solid questionnaires and assessments, including the best framework support, with the best collaboration and support? All at a price within reach?
Perhaps you should consider…
There are five main reasons to consider ControlMap – CyberSecurity Audit Software
Plus, we are the price Performance LEADER
Now let’s consider each of these in detail
Includes standard features like task management, alerts and notifications, comments, activity feeds, and audit logs with…
Unlike alternatives, ControlMap emphasizes risk-based controls with unique features like…
ControlMap helps accelerate readiness and speeds responses in INDIA while providing visibility to both internal and external auditors.
Unique ControlMap questionnaires and assessment tools guide you through the entire process. It includes:
Includes over 28 different security and data privacy frameworks and protocols
The easiest and most collaborative compliance management tool with full support and training includes
The greatest value for the price, with the industry’s most extensive cybersecurity software, fastest setup, and complete support structure in INDIA
You’re trying to close a big contract, but the client is demanding SOC 2 latest SOC 2 Audit. They won’t sign a contract without it. They send you a 300-page information security questionnaire because you don’t have it completed
You aren’t prepared. You don’t know what data you have. You don’t know who can work on this new project. What about all the other projects that have deadlines? You know the pressure from sales is coming. Where do you start? This manual process is not scalable.
You are now in full control! Your SOC 2 Certification/Audit was completed in record time. You can go through the controls, evidence, audit reports, and validation of your security protocol in record time. You welcome outside auditors with their own Auditor View. You simultaneously work on other audits with ease.
Life is Good!
We also work in the following Countries : India and United States
Please feel free to contact us or submit a business inquiry online, our expert will contact you soon!